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Latest Stories of Repairing Our World
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of Repairing Our World
On Saturday 14th October I watered the 6 seedlings I’d planted earlier this year. They are all growing nicely. You can see a Brisbane Wattle in the pics next to the pink ribbon on a stake. I also collected a bag of rubbish, rubbish that had been washed into the basin during the last storm a couple of weeks earlier
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 18, Oct 2023 at 00:59, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
measuring biodiversity on stradbroke island for school trip. Learnt about Rock pools and sand dune ecosystems.
Written by taherahliz on 09, Oct 2023 at 12:19, Monday
Supported John, Tony and Steve playing Div 6 cricket at Briggs Park in Palmwoods. I picked up some rubbish, and saw a number of birds! Magpies, plovers, a kookaburra, and most rarely..aGolden Duck!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 07, Oct 2023 at 22:36, Saturday
I no longer eat fishes unless they are farmed. Our Ocean is dying. Fisher men also kill dolphins, sharks, whales when they catch fishes with nets. One big whale co2 storing amount equals 1000 trees. Please watch this 6min video below.
Written by kate yoon on 05, Oct 2023 at 04:51, Thursday
Story Video
Story Video
So much rubbish accumulating against fences on Warragul road, I suspect mostly from the construction site, shopping centre and local fast food restaurants. Felt great making a difference on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 02, Oct 2023 at 23:31, Monday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
So much rubbish flows into our streams from gutters and stormwater drains. I picked up about 40 items just from this grill alone on Warrigal road. Collected a full bag from rubbish on the footpath nearby.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 02, Oct 2023 at 23:27, Monday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Planting trees have never been this important !!! We only have 7 years till tipping point (2030), when it is too late to save Earth ! 8 billion people on earth plant one tree and maintain it to grow, we offset 0.6% on CO2 8 billion people on earth plant 10 trees, we offset 6% on CO2 8 billion people on earth plant 100 trees, we offset 60% on CO2 8 billion people on earth plant 166 trees, we offset 100% on CO2 That is Total one trillion three hundred twenty eight billion trees need to be planted to offset CO2 100% !!!! Even 30 % CO2 offset can delay tipping points by many years.
Written by kate yoon on 30, Sep 2023 at 09:06, Sat
Few ideas for global warming. 1️⃣ Plant 10 trees or plants. If you are renting or living in an apartment, consider planting in pots. 2️⃣ Use 100% disposable plastic bags at home and during beach cleanups. When going shopping, take them with you. 3️⃣ Power your world with solar panels. 4️⃣ Choose EV or Hybrid cars when you upgrade your car. 5️⃣ Choose drinks in can or glass instead of plastic. 6️⃣ Ask for paper bags and paper containers at shops to motivate shops to change.
Written by kate yoon on 30, Sep 2023 at 00:02, Sat
My good friend Sameer showed me around the wonderful site at Tivoli Social Enterprises and their conservation park
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Sep 2023 at 00:06, Wednesday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Beautiful walk this morning on Ugarapul land at Nugum (White Rock), a sacred site culturally known as a Women's area. I packed a bag in my backpack for rubbish and the most incredibly wonderful thing happened! I didn’t even need it :)
Written by on 17, Sep 2023 at 08:43, Sunday
I don’t normally discriminate…but I did today….I chose which pieces of rubbish I’d pick up, and left the others as only had one bag 😬 I’ll collect the rest tomorrow! Why?? I’m pitching in the Battle of the Founders event tonight! What is in the bag? I’ll unveil during the pitch!!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 14, Sep 2023 at 06:04, Thursday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
Art and Environment to open people's mind on the impact of waste fields. Currently displayed at the Tate Modern in London, UK: El Ejido (2017), the verges of a Spanish highway strewn with plastic waste stretch into the distance. Depicting 30 years of global capitalism and mass consumerism, the photographs of Andreas Gursky sometimes make for uncomfortable viewing. In many ways, the photographs of Andreas Gursky are a mirror for the modern globalised world. At times the reflection which stares back at us is not flattering: an uncompromising representation of consumerist greed and its detrimental impact on the natural world. You rarely forget your first encounter with a Gursky photograph, stretching to up to 13 feet long, crammed with hyper-real detail and saturated in vivid colour. His images are typically densely filled, populated with hundreds of faceless people or depicting limitless quantities of stuff. Likened to the dynamic drip paintings of Jackson Pollock, Gursky’s images are often evenly covered in an ‘all-over composition’, entirely in focus and without any apparent structure. ‘What I create is a world without hierarchy, in which all the pictorial elements are as important as each other’, the artist explains: the democratisation of every pixel. Many of Gursky’s images represent the impact of mass consumerism on the environment and the colonisation of the natural world. See attached picture.
Written by FannyOnBubbles on 11, Sep 2023 at 06:39, Monday
Cleaned up the rubbish swept into the basin in the last rain, some 203 pieces. The young trees are growing well ❤️😊
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 02, Sep 2023 at 04:12, Saturday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
I watered the biobasin trees and planted a bottlebrush. Noticed lots of rubbish, will pick up next visit.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 30, Aug 2023 at 10:27, Wednesday