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of Repairing Our World
Someone held a party near my daughters’s bus stop with cask wine and vapes. No one else was cleaning it up, so I did, along with about 300m of roadside in 15min.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 27, Apr 2024 at 00:25, Saturday
Permanent Employee of Friends/Supporters
And here I was thinking Paris has a street rubbish problem… 177 pieces in just over 15 minutes in about 250m of one side of my local street 😢
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 16, Apr 2024 at 06:48, Tuesday
Friday was the 2nd and last day of Hello Tomorrow. Whist we are not ‘Deep Tech’ it was certainly worthwhile coming to experience and learn from this innovative ecosystem. The way ahead for us as a company is forming. And another bags worth of rubbish, some 60 pieces was picked up along my walk to and from the venue. There are two causes for the rubbish other than its manufacture: in areas with large numbers of shops that unwrap plastic, the storage areas are inadequate, this despite daily visits by council to clean. Secondly attitudes. The second photo is a bottle tossed there casually by someone in front of me. I put it in the bin 10m away. Sad.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 27, Mar 2024 at 05:55, Wednesday
First day at the Hello Tomorrow conference in the impressive Le Centquartre in Paris. A ‘deep tech’ conference with many worthy ideas and plans to benefit our world. However, I also know we need to start now with action. I walked the 6km return trip to and from the venue. And I picked up rubbish along the way with my pick up stick. Into bins in the morning as I didn’t want to turn up with a bag of rubbish! And 80 pieces on my return. I suspect looking at the day in isolation I did more demonstrable action than the vast majority of the 3,000 delegates. And I got two compliments in French from passers by! 😊
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 22, Mar 2024 at 05:54, Friday
Went to a shop called Leroymerlin. Sorta like a chic French Bunnings in the middle of Paris to get myself a pickup stick. On my way there I noticed this chip packet outside Cartier and wondered whether it would be there on my return. It sure was lol. So I picked up one piece of rubbish for every bin I saw on my way home. 13 in all. Imagine if a sizeable minority did the same regularly whilst walking. The rubbish would be sorted!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Mar 2024 at 17:31, Wednesday
In preparation for Earth hour 23rd Mar 2024 I was fortunate enough to be given 2 sets of native Australian seedlings. Time to germinate them and then plant them in the garden!
Written by Ryan Martin on 20, Mar 2024 at 10:29, Wednesday
There is a lot of rubbish in Paris, much more than I remember from 10 years ago. Some places are worse than others. But it’s sad to see we’ll dressed young Parisiennes casually toss their cigarette butts in the beautiful cobbled streets 😢 I picked up a single bottle today in Maurecourt, but I’m feeling like making a statement by picking up rubbish wearing my greenbrand shirt!
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Mar 2024 at 07:00, Wednesday
I headed to Maurecourt on Wednesday on the outskirts of Paris. Vines appear to be a problem here too, over growing fences. I don’t know whether Ivy and the other two vines in the photos are invasive. But invasive species are a global problem as outlined in this article.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 20, Mar 2024 at 06:53, Wednesday
On first impressions, the UK and Europe are much more advanced in taking action to help the environment. The Tate Gallery has declared a “climate and ecological emergency”. There is rewinding occurring on the southern entrance, and I did my bit in collecting a handful of plastic for the bin. Every piece, every action, no how small, helps.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 18, Mar 2024 at 14:21, Monday
Arrived in London en route to Paris for the Hello Tomorrow and Change Now conferences. Very exciting! Had a look at the Tate Modern gallery. Some amazing and massive artworks made out of bottle tops linked together. Also a bees/wasps/insect hotel installed in fenced off trees out the front.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 18, Mar 2024 at 14:12, Monday
On Wednesday 13th, the last day before leaving to France and the conferences, I spent an hour removing about 50 regrowth glycine vines and a bag of rubbish from the biobasin. I’m researching the number of native trees I’ll need to plant to offset the 3.4ton of CO2 my flights will generate. Saving the planted trees from vines is just as important as planting.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 17, Mar 2024 at 06:57, Sunday
We have recently bought a small place at an EcoVillage called 'The Cape' at Cape Paterson. We look after the native plants around the village by regularly tending to weeds and picking up rubbish. We grow many of our own vegetables and we have a self sufficient power supply from solar panels and a battery. Last weekend I spent a half day walking around the village clearing paths of weeds as my small contribution the community. We have a mob of kangaroos who live close by so we do our best to make the place as kangaroo and wildlife friendly as possible.
Written by Chris Plummer on 17, Mar 2024 at 03:06, Sunday
Always new rubbish from 7/11, KFC and Starbucks. Cleaned up as much as I could on my walk.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 27, Feb 2024 at 01:03, Tuesday
I love the bush grounds at the Sleeman Sporting centre at Chandler. Dropping off my girls for a school swimming carnival. A really caring team of gardeners. Native plantings, weed control and nest boxes everywhere, including car parks, for bats, birds and gliders. Imagine if this gold standard was replicated Brisbane wide, private and public, in time for the Olympics and Paralympics. Visitors and tourists will be impressed with nature in our city.
Written by Cameron Tolmie on 21, Feb 2024 at 22:47, Wednesday